How do you lower karma in infinite fusion? - Gaming Pedia (2025)

To lower your karma in infinite fusion, you can perform certain actions in the game. Here are some ways to lower your karma:

1. Defeat and run away from wild Pokémon.
2. Steal items from trainers or NPCs.
3. Choose negative dialogue options in conversation.
4. Release or abandon Pokémon.
5. Ignore requests for help or refuse to complete quests.
6. Use certain items or abilities that have a negative impact on karma.
7. Engage in actions that harm or negatively affect other characters or Pokémon.

Remember that lowering your karma may have consequences in the game, so proceed with caution and consider the potential outcomes before taking any actions.

How do you get Darkrai infinite fusion?

To get Darkrai in infinite fusion, you need to follow these steps:

1. Go to Ecruteak City and find the house with a boy having neverending nightmares.
2. Enter the house at night while having low karma (-10 or less).
3. You will encounter Darkrai, and after the encounter, you will be warped back.

Make sure to have low karma before entering the house to trigger the Darkrai event.

How do you reverse evolution in Pokémon infinite fusion?

To reverse evolution in Pokémon infinite fusion, you need to use a DNA reverser on a fused Pokémon. This process involves swapping the order of the Pokémon in the fusion, with the body becoming the head and the head becoming the body. This can change the fusion’s characteristics and how it can be used. Traded Pokémon can also be reversed.

How do you get triple fusions in Pokémon infinite fusion?

To unlock triple fusions in Pokémon infinite fusion, you need to complete Mt. Silver and obtain the Black Stone and White Stone. Bring these stones to Colress at the Lake of Rage to unlock triple fusions. This feature becomes available in the late post-game, and it allows you to create powerful and unique triple fused Pokémon.

What is the rarest card in fusion?

The rarest card in fusion is Espeon VMAX (Alternate Secret Full Art), which has a value of $95.01. Other rare cards in the Fusion Strike expansion include Gengar VMAX (Alternate Secret Full Art) valued at $90.00, and Mew VMAX (Alternate Secret Full Art) valued at $64.91. These cards are highly sought after by collectors and can be valuable additions to a Pokémon TCG collection.

How do you get low karma fast in Pokémon infinite fusion?

If you want to lower your karma quickly in Pokémon infinite fusion, you can perform certain actions that have a negative impact on your karma score. Here are some ways to get low karma fast:

1. Defeat and run away from wild Pokémon instead of catching them.
2. Steal items from trainers or NPCs.
3. Choose negative dialogue options in conversations.
4. Release or abandon Pokémon.
5. Ignore requests for help or refuse to complete quests.
6. Use items or abilities that have negative effects on karma.
7. Engage in actions that harm or negatively affect other characters or Pokémon.

By consistently making negative choices and actions, you can quickly lower your karma score in the game.

What is the only Pokémon that can devolve?

The only Pokémon that can devolve is Slowbro. It has the ability to devolve back into Slowpoke when a certain condition is met. This makes Slowbro unique compared to other Pokémon, as devolution is not a common feature in the Pokémon series.

What level does Eevee evolve?

In Pokémon infinite fusion, Eevee evolves at level 36. However, the evolution of Eevee depends on certain circumstances and the Power Stones equipped to Eevee. The specific evolution of Eevee can vary, and the player can choose between Vaporeon, Flareon, or Jolteon based on these conditions.

Why is Darkrai so rare in Pokémon infinite fusion?

Darkrai is considered rare in Pokémon infinite fusion because it is a mythical Pokémon. Mythical Pokémon are special and are not easily obtainable by regular means. In the game, Darkrai can only be encountered under specific conditions, such as having low karma and entering the house in Ecruteak City at night where a boy is having neverending nightmares. These unique requirements make Darkrai a rare and valuable Pokémon in the game.

Is Pokémon infinite fusion a real game?

No, Pokémon infinite fusion is not an official Pokémon game. It is a fan-made game that offers a unique take on the Pokémon series. Pokémon infinite fusion allows players to fuse two different Pokémon into unique new creatures, creating a wide variety of fusion combinations. With over 176,400 possible fusions, the game offers a lot of content for players to explore and enjoy.

Can you evolve twice in Pokémon infinite fusion?

No, in Pokémon infinite fusion, you cannot evolve a Pokémon twice in the same turn. Once a Pokémon evolves, it is considered new in play, so you cannot evolve it again during the same turn. However, you can evolve any Pokémon you have in play, whether it’s active or on the bench. Keep in mind that evolving a Pokémon may have certain requirements, such as reaching a certain level or using specific items.

What happens if you fuse a shiny Pokémon in infinite fusion?

When fusing a shiny Pokémon with another Pokémon in infinite fusion, the resulting fusion will also be shiny. Every fused Pokémon in the game has three potential shiny color schemes, depending on the combination of shiny and non-shiny Pokémon used in the fusion. The resulting fusion will inherit the shiny characteristic and have its unique shiny appearance.

Can you defuse Pokémon in infinite fusion?

In Pokémon infinite fusion, it is not possible to defuse fused Pokémon directly. Once two Pokémon are fused, they become a single entity with combined traits and characteristics. However, if you obtained a fused Pokémon through Wonder Trade without your Trainer ID, you can breed it and unfuse the hatched egg, allowing you to separate the Pokémon back into their original forms.

Why is Pokémon infinite fusion slow?

If you experience lag or slow performance in Pokémon infinite fusion, there are a few factors that may contribute to it. Here are some possible reasons for the slow performance:

1. Large sprite sizes: The game’s fusion feature involves combining sprites, which can be resource-intensive and slow down the game.
2. Overloaded system resources: If your computer or device has limited processing power or memory, it may struggle to handle the game’s demands.
3. Software compatibility issues: Certain hardware or software configurations may not be optimized for the game, leading to slower performance.

To improve performance, you can try reducing the window size in the game’s options or using the “Alternate Launcher.exe” included in the pre-loaded version to enhance performance on some systems. Additionally, changing fused sprite icons to DNA symbols in the options menu can reduce lag when opening your Pokémon screen.

Where is Rayquaza in Pokémon infinite fusion?

To encounter Rayquaza in Pokémon infinite fusion, follow these steps:

1. Talk to one of the residents on Kin Island in Pokémon infinite fusion.
2. Follow the resident to the harbor, where they will take you to Sky Pillar.
3. Use your bicycle to navigate to the top of the tower in Sky Pillar.
4. Once at the top, you will encounter Rayquaza.

Rayquaza is a powerful Legendary Pokémon, so be prepared for a tough battle when facing it.

Is Arceus in Pokémon infinite fusion?

Yes, Arceus is available in Pokémon infinite fusion. To obtain Arceus, follow these steps:

1. Catch Arceus in the game.
2. Return to see Mr. Pokémon on Route 30 with Arceus in your party.
3. Mr. Pokémon will take you to the Sinjoh Ruins.
4. In the ruins, talk to Cynthia, and you will receive three eggs.

Arceus is a rare and powerful Pokémon, and obtaining it can be a rewarding experience in the game.

Is Darkrai in Pokémon infinite fusion?

Yes, Darkrai is available in Pokémon infinite fusion. To encounter Darkrai, follow these steps:

1. Go to Ecruteak City in the game.
2. Find the house with a boy who is having neverending nightmares.
3. Enter the house at night while having low karma (-10 or less).
4. You will encounter Darkrai and be warped back afterwards.

Darkrai is a rare and powerful Pokémon, and this event allows players to add it to their team in the game.

Is there a way to lower karma in Pokémon infinite fusion?

In Pokémon infinite fusion, players can lower their karma by performing certain actions that have a negative impact on their karma score. Here are some ways to lower your karma in the game:

1. Defeat and run away from wild Pokémon instead of catching them.
2. Steal items from trainers or NPCs.
3. Choose negative dialogue options during conversations.
4. Release or abandon Pokémon.
5. Ignore requests for help or refuse to complete quests.
6. Use items or abilities that have negative effects on karma.
7. Engage in actions that harm or negatively affect other characters or Pokémon.

By consistently making choices and taking actions that have negative consequences, players can lower their karma in the game.

What does a red star mean in Pokémon infinite fusion?

In Pokémon infinite fusion, a red star indicates that a Pokémon is shiny. Shiny Pokémon are rare and have alternate colorations compared to their non-shiny counterparts. When fusing a shiny Pokémon with another Pokémon in the game, the resulting fusion will also be shiny. It’s an exciting feature that allows players to create unique and rare shiny fusions.

Can you evolve twice in Pokémon infinite fusion?

In Pokémon infinite fusion, a Pokémon can only evolve once per turn. Once a Pokémon has evolved, it cannot undergo further evolution during the same turn. However, you can evolve any Pokémon you have in play, whether it’s the active Pokémon or a benched Pokémon. Keep in mind that evolving Pokémon may have specific requirements, such as reaching a certain level or using specific items.

What is the lost Chansey in Pokémon infinite fusion?

In Pokémon infinite fusion, the lost Chansey is a side quest in Fuchsia City. Talk to a man in the hotel who asks for help in finding the owner of the lost Chansey. To find the owner, you need to go to a house in the beach section of the safari area. You may need to use Rock Smash or Surf to reach the house. Helping the owner of the lost Chansey is a rewarding task that can lead to various in-game benefits.

Do legendaries respawn in Pokémon infinite fusion?

Yes, certain legendaries will respawn in Pokémon infinite fusion. Once you defeat Gold on Mt. Silver, certain legendaries will reappear,

How do you lower karma in infinite fusion? - Gaming Pedia (2025)


Does karma matter in infinite fusion? ›

Karma is a hidden value in the game that is used to encounter specific Legendary Pokémon.

How to get Darkrai in Pokemon Fusion? ›

North of Halfmoon Island is Moonlit Forest, where water in the shape of a cresent moon is located. Walking on the water will make it disappear/reappear. Making all the water disappear, resembling a new moon, and leaving the forest will take the player to Newmoon Island, where Darkrai and a bed is located.

How do you unfuse infinite fusion? ›

Unfusing Pokémon requires a splicer or super splicer. In most cases, splicers act the same as super splicers, so it is recommended to use the cheaper option. When unfusing with a full party, you are given the option to send one of the resulting Pokémon to your PC.

What level does Pikachu evolve in Pokémon infinite fusion? ›

Evolutions methods
Evolves fromEvolves intoNew Evolution Method
PichuPikachuLevel 15
CleffaClefairyLevel 15
IgglybuffJigglypuffLevel 15
TogepiTogeticLevel 15
40 more rows

How to reduce bad karma? ›

Engaging in acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity can help balance your scales. Volunteering, helping others without expecting anything in return, and showing empathy are all ways to create positive karma that can counteract the negative.

How long does karma last? ›

Sadhguru: The karmic structure in every human being is essentially cyclical. This cycle is not from lifetime to lifetime alone. If you are observant enough, you will see that events generally repeat themselves in cycles of twelve-and-a-quarter to twelve-and-a-half years.

How to get good karma? ›

There are many ways to make merit, or positive karma. The most comprehensive are the six perfections (paramitas) that Mahayana Buddhism prescribes as the path to enlightenment. They are: giving (generosity), discipline (morality), patience (fearlessness), diligence (eagerness), tranquillity (contemplation), and wisdom.

Why can't i catch a Darkrai? ›

A Razz Berry will make Darkrai easier to catch, and a Golden Razz Berry will make it much easier to catch. If you find yourself failing to land any throws, a Nanab Berry will calm Darkrai, making its movements less erratic and allowing you to make precise throws more easily.

Who catches Darkrai? ›

Ash fought Darkrai with his Sceptile and won, allowing him to calm and capture Darkrai.

How to get spiritomb infinite fusion? ›

Each time the player sees a Ghost-type Pokémon faint (whether it's an enemy Pokémon or owned by the player), a spirit is added to the Odd Keystone. Once the keystone is filled with 108 spirits, it can be used from the bag to encounter a wild Spiritomb.

How to debug infinite fusion? ›

The debug menu is a special menu that can be opened by pressing the F9 key while the player is wearing the Magic Boots. It allows the player to play around with the various Developer options. Many of the options in this menu can easily break the game and/or save, so it should be used with caution.

How to defeat Blisto? ›

So here are the three moves and a item i recommend to use when fighting Blisto:
  1. Trick: To steal the leftovers and give him black sludge to cause damage.
  2. Snatch: To stop him from using boiled egg and heal yourself instead.
  3. Any status moves to cause damage for your preference (personally i use will-o-wasp)
Jul 5, 2023

How do you get the poke radar in infinite fusion? ›

The Pokéradar is obtained from Professor Oak's assistant in Cerulean City's Pokémon Center. After obtaining the Exp. Share from her by using the DNA Splicers 5 times, she will ask you to help her with some field research on Route 24. Go help her and she will hand you the Pokéradar.

How to get to the secret forest in Pokémon Infinite Fusion? ›

The entrance is to the south of the house where you can get the Shears. The Route 16 entrance can be used after getting to Celadon City. It's located next to the house where you can get HM02 Fly.

How do you get infinite fusion in Pokémon? ›

Downloading. the game is free! You can Find a download either on Discord or New App Installer. You do NOT need an Emulator.

How do you get past Goldenrod city infinite fusion? ›

As of Version 5.1, the player no longer need the Train Pass Goldenrod City and the surrounding areas are accessible after defeating Team Rocket in Silph Co. Head Office during the main story and paying a ticket from Saffron City. The rest of the region is locked off until the player defeats the Elite Four.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.